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dehydration – Urban Raw Food http://www.urbanrawfood.com Thu, 11 May 2017 01:51:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.3 http://www.urbanrawfood.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cropped-urfLogo2-1-32x32.png dehydration – Urban Raw Food http://www.urbanrawfood.com 32 32 Day 4 – Hooray for Weight Loss http://www.urbanrawfood.com/shop/day-4-hooray-for-weight-loss/ http://www.urbanrawfood.com/shop/day-4-hooray-for-weight-loss/#respond Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:48:49 +0000 http://urbanrawfood.wordpress.com/?p=233

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Day 4
I went from 202.5 on Monday to 200 pounds.  So glad to see the scale move.  I’ve been doing P90X with my baby and all I’d lost in 30 days was 3 pounds, so this is great.  I like P90x, but I think weight loss is 80% about what you eat.  I’m so happy to finally see some results on the scale.  My clothes had been fitting better with exercise, but I’m still a size 14.

Started the day with grapefruit juice and raw peanuts.  Had some hibiscus and camomile tea (the rest of my tea has not come in the mail 🙁   ).  Had some carrots as a snack before a late lunch around 2:30 due to meetings.

At home I had a banana and an apple for dinner.  I was a little more hungry last night than I’ve been the past few nights.

Preview of Day 5 (Since I’m writing this on Day 5)
Woke up this morning with terrible pain in my tummy.  I don’t think it was hunger.  Felt more like dehydration and I know I didn’t drink much water yesterday.  Was much better after a glass of water and a banana.  I’m down to 199 as of this morning.

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